We provide our productively enhancing solutions and services adapted to a large range of major water treatment fields

We are an innovative water treatment experts company, determined to preserve and promote our environments and communities

Use the new generation of Electrodialysis technology for your water treatments in our two most specialised sectors, cooling towers and seawater desalination plants

Our studies and expertise in the water treatment field has granted us insight on the most efficient ways to apply our technology for your water treatment needs

We are an innovative water treatment experts company, determined to preserve and promote our environments and communities

Nitrate Removal

HydroVolta's soniXED technology addresses nitrate pollution in groundwater by combining Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) with ultrasound.

This innovative approach achieves up to 98% water recovery, requires low energy consumption, and uses minimal chemicals.

It produces only 2% wastewater, significantly reducing chemical dependency. The technology is suitable for applications such as drinking water production, industrial reuse, and decentralized water treatment.

Financially, it offers a low total cost of ownership with a 24-month return on investment, making it a sustainable and cost-effective solution for nitrate removal.

Seawater desalination plants

Create the most immaculate and up to date seawater desalination plants with greater performances thanks to our unique technologies. We can bring the most cost-effective long-term return on investment than the choices given by our competitors.

We are the only ones proposing a maintenance free seawater desalinating machine for all forms of fouling treatment

Our final product is our HydroVolta Hybrid Container for seawater desalination. It uses all the advantages of the integrated UX Series powered by our SonixED technology, coupled with the latest and most advanced water desalination technologies.

This ensures the most optimal results compared to our competitors, including the level of water recovery and energy consumption reduction.

Cooling towers

Because sustainable water everywhere is our goal, we invest in providing the best impacts and usages of our technology into cooling towers for your benefits

Adaptable to the various sizes of cooling towers, our solution can be applied to improve the cooling and circulation of water would it be for your oil refinery, chemical plants or any sort of power plants

This is why our product, the UX Series, has been built to maximise the efficiency of your cooling towers. Powered by our SonixED technology, the UX Series solves major issues currently encountered by cooling towers, on top of bringing other exclusive advantages.

The fouling of the membranes filtering minerals, particles and chemicals has major costs of maintenance and pollutes a lot due to chemical usages

Discover how our technology solves all of theses issues alongside its other benefits, such as greater water recovery levels and lower energy consumptions

Use the power of the UX Series to create the most cost-efficient and productive cooling towers

Interested in benefiting from these services with us? Do you have any special request concerning one of our services or a particular need? Make sure to contact us to let us know

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